Welcome to the CADC Brief Bank.
Use your cadc.net username and password to log into the Brief Bank.
The Brief Bank is an ongoing collaborative effort of the membership, with the Brief Bank Committee acting as steward and guide. We want your briefs and your feedback! With your help, our Brief Bank can be the most comprehensive and current research tool available to panel attorneys in criminal and dependency appeals.
You can search by browsing the Category Tree or entering words or phrases in the Search Box. Searches can be limited by category and/or author, too! Copy and paste desired text into your word processing program. Adding a brief takes only moments and will make the brief immediately available to other users. Please review the instructions at the top menu, then give it a try.
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Please use the navigation tree on the left to browse briefs by category.
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Please send us your comments, questions and suggestions to the CADC member forum. Also, if you would have liked to post your brief in a category we don't yet have, please let us know.
Brief Bank Stats
Briefs: 4512
Authors: 234
Contributors: 204